571 New Scarlet & Violet DLC Trailer, Detective Pikachu Returns

571 New Scarlet & Violet DLC Trailer, Detective Pikachu Returns

The latest Nintendo Direct gives us a brand new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trailer! We also get the release date for Detective Pikachu Returns after 6 years of the first game releasing. We go in depth for both these game trailers and we talk about the newly released Gimmighoul Raids that was also shown in the Nintendo Direct. Finally, we get the final arc of the Pokémon anime on Netflix this week.

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570 Free Shiny Arcanine

570 Free Shiny Arcanine

Starting June 30th, tune in during the live broadcast of the 2023 North America International Championships to receive some digital distributions! Team Rocket is really using inflation to their advantage, we talk about the recent clothing drop on Pokémon Center. Niantic launched a web store to save money on Pokémon GO purchases. Scarlet & Violet—151, the latest TCG set, is already selling out everywhere.

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569 Team Rocket Collection Coming Soon

569 Team Rocket Collection Coming Soon

The Pokemon Trading Card Game Online is over and sunsetted. Unfortunately, Pokémon Trading Card Game Live isn't a good enough replacement and it's all we have. A huge 30-piece Team Rocket collection is on its way to the Pokémon Center soon. Leafeon arrives in UNITE. Pokémon GO Fest showed off new details of what the event will host. Raid events are returning to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet this weekend!

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568 Protesting The Pokémon Company

568 Protesting The Pokémon Company

The South Korean tournament circuit has been run so poorly this year that the top 4 Korean VGC players decided to protest The Pokémon Company and all 4 got disqualified from the event. Pokémon HOME 3.0.0 is here and not much has changed. Regulation D starts on July 1st and this will be the official format for Worlds. Pokémon GO gets a very good start to the Hidden Gems season and we cover the ZoëTwoDots interview with Niantic.

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567 Shadow Mewtwo, Clothing Shutdown, Cute Charmander

567 Shadow Mewtwo, Clothing Shutdown, Cute Charmander

We talk about the pros and cons of the Shadow Mewtwo weekend! With Raids still being pumped out in Pokémon GO, it seems that Raids in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are still on hold. We got sad news of Original Stitch closing down. Pokémon UNITE and Pokémon Masters EX both gets updates. Another 190 cards are coming, including another Charizard, with Obsidian Flames now detailed out. Finally, Pokémon HOME is around the corner.

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566 Pokémon HOME Soon, But Lots of Bugs

566 Pokémon HOME Soon, But Lots of Bugs

Pokémon HOME got a release date, and then that release date got pulled the next day? We at least know what v3.0.0 of Pokémon HOME will have when it comes out. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet was supposed to have new Raids, but they also got pulled this weekend. Speaking of Pokémon SV, competitors in Korea and Japan ran into bugs resulting in unfair tournament results. Pokémon GO is getting the Master Ball and new Team Rocket Raids this week!

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565 Another Pokémon Fan Site Shuts Down

565 Another Pokémon Fan Site Shuts Down

Chesnaught Raid recap and thoughts! Three new characters, including an all Eevee event, coming to Pokémon UNITE. One of the biggest Pokémon fan websites, The Silph Road, is closing their doors after seven years. What does that mean for the Pokémon GO Community? We go over some prep for the North American International Championships in Ohio and if you should go?

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564 Have You Evolved Your Larvesta

564 Have You Evolved Your Larvesta

We found out the hatch rates for Larvesta and it's not... good. On top of that, Niantic sent a push notification that felt a bit insulting to players. It's been reported that Pokémon GO had a downfall in profits, but we go more in-depth about that. Pokémon Trading Card Game Live gets an official release date, but that means the sunset of Pokémon Trading Card Game Online is coming. Finally, we talk about t-shirts and anime.

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563 The Next Three 7-Star Raids Coming for Scarlet & Violet

563 The Next Three 7-Star Raids Coming for Scarlet & Violet

We know that Delphox, Chesnaught, and Rillaboom are the last 3 starters still left to come through 7-Star Raids in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Unsure if Game Freak is waiting for the release of these three before Pokémon HOME, but we talk about possible Tera types for these three coming. Niantic finally announced Pokémon GO Fest 2023, we talk about that and the remaining events for the lackluster Rising Heroes season.

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562 Scarlet & Violet Update, Hisui and HOME

562 Scarlet & Violet Update, Hisui and HOME

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet got updated to v1.3.0, but no performance updates were applied. We go over what did change and what didn't change. Pokémon HOME still doesn't have a date, just Spring for now, but we talk about how Hisui Pokémon would make the most sense after Regulation C is over. Speaking of VGC, the Global Challenge 3 got announced and starts very soon! Finally, we kick off the episode talking about how the Scarlet and Violet TCG sold out in Japan and how theft is happening in America.

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