659 First Look at Legends Z-A & Pokémon Champions

659 First Look at Legends Z-A & Pokémon Champions

We run through the entire Pokémon Presents. The first segment of the podcast covers Pokémon mobile titles such as Sleep, Masters EX, UNITE, and TCG Pocket. After the first break, we spend a lot of time talking about Pokémon Champions and the future of VGC and battling. Finally, we talk about the first look at Pokémon Legends Z-A and what we thought of what was shown on Pokémon Day.

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643 Shiny Rayquaza Coming to Scarlet and Violet

643 Shiny Rayquaza Coming to Scarlet and Violet

After spending more time with Pokémon TCG Pocket, we compare the game against Pokémon Sleep. Lots more Pokémon TCG Pocket talk as some opinions on the game have changed since last week. Shiny Rayquaza has been announced as a Tera Raid battle at the end of December and Japan gets a new Mythical event.

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641 Gigantamax Pokémon Arrived

641 Gigantamax Pokémon Arrived

Gigantamax Venusaur, Gigantamax Charizard, and Gigantamax Blastoise make their Pokémon GO Debut. We talk about the experiences we've had including both pros and cons of the system. Because this system is a fresh start in Pokémon GO, we also talk about the future gameplay loop it creates. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet gets two new events this week!

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632 We Played the New 500 Point Pokémon UNITE Mode

632 We Played the New 500 Point Pokémon UNITE Mode

After getting back from the Pokémon World Championships in Hawai'i, we go more in-depth about the new 500 point mode coming to Pokémon UNITE in Spring of 2025. Zoinks from UNITE Mics joins to give perspective on this new mode. Pokémon is getting a new TV app to host the episodes of the Anime. Suicune is coming to Pokémon Sleep. The Pokémon TCG is getting both Trainer cards and Rocket cards starting next year.

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630 Game Freak Hiring New Employees

630  Game Freak Hiring New Employees

Suicune is coming soon to Pokémon Sleep. Pokémon Masters EX has a gem rework to the game. Netflix gets more episodes of Pokémon Horizons. Game Freak is hiring new people for both Pokémon and non-Pokémon games. We talk about the pros and cons of Snacksworth and how catching has evolved in recent games.

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626 New Scarlet & Violet Updates for Summer!

626 New Scarlet & Violet Updates for Summer!

Pokémon Sleep announces their 1 year anniversary. It'll be a two week event! We got back from Pokémon GO Fest NYC and we talk about the experience both on and off the island. Pokémon announces two months of content for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet with 4 events that each last about two weeks before rotation to the next.

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622 The Road to Pokémon Worlds, Hawai'i

622 The Road to Pokémon Worlds, Hawai'i

Cramorant's Main Skill is revealed! Talk on both Pokémon Masters EX and Pokémon UNITE. 7-Star Electric Emboar arrives to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. There is an exclusive Gyarados drink in Japan. The Pokémon Company has shown off more of what to expect at the 2024 World Championships in Hawai'i!

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619 Legends Z-A Talk with Joe Merrick of Serebii

619 Legends Z-A Talk with Joe Merrick of Serebii

Joe Merrick of Serebii joins us this week to talk the state of Pokémon mobile games, their current thoughts on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and what we think (so far) of Legends Z-A. We go over every mobile game from Pokémon GO to UNITE. We also talk about the mess that was BD/SP and how Scarlet and Violet should have been delayed.

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618 New Pokémon Center Announced

618 New Pokémon Center Announced

Pokémon Sleep's Entei event is right around the corner. Australia and New Zealand get their own Online Pokémon Center. Pokémon GO wins the most buggiest game in the App Store? The next TCG, Shrouded Fable, gets announced.

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615 Golden Shinies & Diancie Returns

615 Golden Shinies & Diancie Returns

Pokémon GO gets a background refresh as part of the Rediscover campaign they have been running and it's actually very cool! Diancie returns to Pokémon GO for FREE for anyone who did not get one at GO Fest. This has been the only way to get a Diancie in a couple years. A new Mass Outbreak event with boosted Shiny chance has come to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, along with the return of Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Raids. Pokémon Sleep announced that Entei is coming and a Fire-type week will happen to prepare for the next Legendary Pokémon in Sleep.

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