650 Limited-Time Flair in Pokémon TCG Pocket

650 Limited-Time Flair in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Should you care about limited-time flair in Pokémon TCG Pocket? Pokémon Sleep announced two weeks of events to celebrate the New Year. One of the bundles apart of this event cost $70. Pokémon announced a new partnership with Aardman that will arrive in 2027. Struggles with some people and Rayquaza Raids sparks conversation about why this probably wasn't 7-Star.

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649 Celebi is Fun, But Not Very Good

649 Celebi is Fun, But Not Very Good

The big holiday for Pokémon Sleep begins with new bundles that may be worth it. On top of that, there is a new Sleep app on iOS that can read your screenshots. 5-Star Rayquaza finally arrives to Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Pokémon GO announces four new Safari events for March of 2025. Mythical Island is here! We talk about the new cards and how everyone overhyped Celebi the first week of this release.

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648 TCG Pocket: Mythical Island Announced

648 TCG Pocket: Mythical Island Announced

Pokémon Sleep announces their holiday event. We are getting two new Pokémon lines, but a holiday Eevee added to the game. There is also going to be a buff to 4-5 older Pokémon. Pokémon TCG Pocket: Mythical Island announced! This mini-set will add 80+ cards to the game, including 5 new trainer cards and 5 new ex cards. Small dose of Pokémon UNITE talk, Shiny Rayquaza comes this week, and we talk about the Pokémon GO holiday event.

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647 The Downfall of Pokémon Sleep

647 The Downfall of Pokémon Sleep

Pokémon Sleep is moving to a new development team, Pokémon Works aka ILCA. ILCA is the ones who make both Pokémon HOME and they made Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Pokémon is doing two holiday events in California. Pokémon TCG Pocket has now made more money than Pokémon UNITE and Pokémon Sleep and will probably pass Pokémon Masters EX in revenue by the end of the year.

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646 Black & White Kyurem Soon

646 Black & White Kyurem Soon

After getting back from Japan, we talk about the Wild Area experience both in-person and global. This talk leads into talking about Gigantimax Pokémon (again) and the new upcoming Max Mushroom use and cost. Unova Tour is announced and we talk about what Niantic has announced so far and what they seem to be hinting at for early next year. Pokémon has officially revealed Shiny Rayquaza as a 5-Star Raid event and we get all the details leading up to it. Finally, we end on some more Pokémon TCG Pocket talk.

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645 The Whales of Pokémon TCG Pocket

645 The Whales of Pokémon TCG Pocket

Pokémon vending machines are popping up everywhere in grocery stores around the United States. Pokémon TCG Pocket has been downloaded a lot and has also made a lot of money on top of that. We talk about crushing cards to get the special items in the game, as well as, rumors about getting "better" packs.

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643 Shiny Rayquaza Coming to Scarlet and Violet

643 Shiny Rayquaza Coming to Scarlet and Violet

After spending more time with Pokémon TCG Pocket, we compare the game against Pokémon Sleep. Lots more Pokémon TCG Pocket talk as some opinions on the game have changed since last week. Shiny Rayquaza has been announced as a Tera Raid battle at the end of December and Japan gets a new Mythical event.

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642 Did We Overhype Pokémon TCG Pocket

642 Did We Overhype Pokémon TCG Pocket

Revisiting the Gigantimax conversation now that Gengar has arrived this past weekend. Prismatic Evolutions got announced and already sold out. Pokémon TCG Pocket is here and there is even a new Wonder Pick event to go along with it. We talk the pros and cons of Pocket and if it's worth putting money into.

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641 Gigantamax Pokémon Arrived

641 Gigantamax Pokémon Arrived

Gigantamax Venusaur, Gigantamax Charizard, and Gigantamax Blastoise make their Pokémon GO Debut. We talk about the experiences we've had including both pros and cons of the system. Because this system is a fresh start in Pokémon GO, we also talk about the future gameplay loop it creates. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet gets two new events this week!

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