Pikachu, Japanese 2014 World Cup Mascot

The Japanese soccer team, Samurai Blue made the "Shocking" announcement on March, 12th, that everyone's favorite electric mouse would be debuting as their official mascot for the 2014 World Cup.

 Pikachu, along with ten other notable PokéPals were shown off sporting the Samurai Blue's jersey, complete with Adidas logo. This comes after Nintendo and Adidas came to an agreement earlier this year. The press conference was even complete with a Pikachu stand in, however, there were no signs of the rest of the PokéTeam. But thankfully, Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and several others will be helping the Samurai Blue compete for the World Cup later this year!

Pikachu is seen here with the rest of his pals, sporting their new Samurai Blue Adidas jerseys,

Pikachu is seen here with the rest of his pals, sporting their new Samurai Blue Adidas jerseys,