372 The Three Worst Pokémon

  372 The Three Worst Pokémon

Since we were out of town this weekend, this episode was recorded a bit earlier. It won't include any recent Pokémon news or thoughts about Pokémon Worlds, but it will include your emails and question! We tackle what Pokémon we don't like, if we think Eevee should have more evolutions, and if Pokémon should be on Tinder. News returns next week and our thoughts on DC Worlds!

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344 Pokémon Platinum Woes [Featuring Jan Ochoa from Giant Bomb]

344 Pokémon Platinum Woes [Featuring Jan Ochoa from Giant Bomb]

Featuring Jan Ochoa from Giant Bomb (interview starts at 36 mins into the episode). Jan talks about his time with Pokémon GO and his thoughts and feelings on Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Let's Go Eevee. We also touch on Jan's history with the Pokémon series. After putting 40+ hours into Pokémon Platinum, SBJ expresses how the game doesn't feel unique compared to Pokémon Black & White or Pokémon X/Y. Pokémon GO news is upon us, with more Sinnoh Pokémon being added. Finally, if we had to erase one Pokémon forever, who would we pick? 

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326 Ash Gets An Eevee

326 Ash Gets An Eevee

Mewtwo is no longer an EX Raid Pokémon in Pokémon GO! Ash gets an Eevee in the anime, making it possible that the new Pokémon in Let's Go is not an Eevee evolution. Korea gets a bunch of events, a special edition PikaVee Nintendo Switch has been announced at GameStop and Best Buy, and there was more footage shown of Let's Go from the Nintendo Direct this past week.

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325 Nintendo Switch Cloud Saves

325 Nintendo Switch Cloud Saves

No more HMs in Let's Go Pikachu or Let's Go Eevee! The Sun & Moon anime get a new hair style. Greg, Will, and SBJ talk about Shiny Poipole coming to GameStop, two new Pokémon TCG sets coming, and some Pokémon Duel news. We also talk about Build-a-Bear getting it's 9th Pokémon plush and how Nintendo Cloud Saves will not be supporting the PikaVee games.

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Pokémon Shuffle Announced for February

Pokémon Shuffle Announced for February

In Pokémon Shuffle, players will put their puzzle-solving skills to the test as they battle wild Pokémon across a variety of stages. Match three or more Pokémon in the Puzzle Area to deal damage. The aim of the game is to reduce the wild Pokémon’s HP to zero within the number of moves available.

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