364 The National Dex Issue

364 The National Dex Issue

We take time this week to address the #BringBackNationalDex issue that surrounds Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. Since Harry Potter Wizard's Unite is out (Niantic's new mobile game), we compare it to Pokémon GO. Japan is getting a new Pokémon Cafe. The PTCG is releasing a new set soon, called Unified Minds. Finally, we talk about if every Pokémon is truly someone's favorite.

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326 Ash Gets An Eevee

326 Ash Gets An Eevee

Mewtwo is no longer an EX Raid Pokémon in Pokémon GO! Ash gets an Eevee in the anime, making it possible that the new Pokémon in Let's Go is not an Eevee evolution. Korea gets a bunch of events, a special edition PikaVee Nintendo Switch has been announced at GameStop and Best Buy, and there was more footage shown of Let's Go from the Nintendo Direct this past week.

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288 No Entei Club!

288 No Entei Club!

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is just 18 days away. SBJ, Will, and Al talk about Pokémon GO EX Raids and how Pokémon GO has or will effect the main series games. Magikarp Jump is still a thing, as well as, e-mails about the GameBoy Advance, and our Pokémon of the Week!

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