Nine New Pokémon Shown for Pokémon Sun/Moon!
/The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo today revealed new Pokémon that can be found in the highly anticipated Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon video games, available exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. These Alola region Pokémon will appear in the latest generation of Pokémon video games that will launch in North America on November 18.
The newly revealed Pokémon include:
Name: Tapu Koko
Type: Electric/Fairy
Tapu Koko is the guardian deity of Melemele Island, one of the islands of the Alola region. Tapu Koko’s Ability is Electric Surge, an Ability which has never been seen before. The Electric Surge Ability fills the field around the Pokémon’s feet with electricity when it appears, raising the power of any Electric-type moves for Pokémon on the ground and preventing any Pokémon from falling asleep.
Name: Charjabug
Type: Bug/Electric
Charjabug is the first Evolution of Grubbin, a new Alola region Pokémon revealed last month. Charjabug’s Battery Ability allows it to raise the power of allies’ special moves.
Name: Vikavolt
Type: Bug/Electric
Vikavolt, the Evolution of Charjabug, is like a fortress that zooms through the forest, using its huge jaws to control a beam of electricity which it can fire from its mouth.
Name: Drampa
Type: Normal/Dragon
Drampa are dragons that live alone in the mountains 10,000 feet above sea level. With Drampa’s Berserk Ability, this Pokémon’s Special Attack stat will go up by one when its HP drops below half.
Name: Bruxish
Type: Water/Psychic
Bruxish emits a strong psychic power from the protuberance on its head while grinding its teeth loudly. Some Bruxish have the new Dazzling Ability that prevents opponents from using priority moves that normally strike first.

Name: Cutiefly
Type: Bug/Fairy
Cutiefly can detect the auras of living things, including people, Pokémon, and plants. They seek out flowers by the color and brightness of their auras, and then they gather the nectar and pollen.
Name: Togedemaru
Type: Electric/Steel
Togedemaru is the Roly-Poly Pokémon that gathers electricity and stores it. The long needle that grows from the back of its head works as a lightning rod to attract electricity.
Name: Rockruff
Type: Rock
Rockruff has an excellent sense of smell, and once it has smelled an odor, it doesn’t forget. There are tales of these Pokémon getting separated from their Trainers, then using the faintest traces of their scent to track them for days until they are reunited.
Name: Komala
Type: Normal
No one has ever seen a Komala awake. It eats, travels, and even battles while sound asleep. According to ancient people, its saliva can be used as medicine for the sick or sleepless. Komala has the Comatose Ability that keeps it perpetually in a drowsing state, preventing it from getting any other status conditions.