Interview with Aaron Zheng

Interview with Aaron Zheng

PKMNcast sits down with one of the best Pokémon VCG players for an exclusive interview. Aaron Zheng is not only a National VGC Champion, but he placed 3rd Place in the 2013 Pokémon World Championships. Aaron is now huge into YouTube with great battle videos and commentary. 

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Golduck Giveaway!! [Update: It's Over!]

Golduck Giveaway!! [Update: It's Over!]

Starting tomorrow at 6:30PM Central Time - you'll be able to trade with Kenny to get a owned Golduck. This Golduck will actually be a lv. 1 Psyduck with perfect IVs, a Clam Nature, the ability of Cloud Nine, and it will know Confuse Ray. Just comment below if you want one with your name and your Friend Code and add Kenny's Friend Code here: 0645 - 5968 - 3770

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