633 Legends Z-A Release Date Talk

633 Legends Z-A Release Date Talk

Pokémon Sleep gets a new update with more quality of life features added! The Suicune event is here! Pokémon Masters EX celebrates it's fifth anniversary with Lance, Steven, and Cynthia returning in their new Arc Suits. Pokémon GO is finally adding both Galar and Max Raid battles. Niantic also adds a subscription pass, but it's not really a subscription pass still. Finally, we get new trademarks on a Japanese TCG set. Since the TCG usually lines up with current and future games, this makes it seem like Pokémon Legends Z-A will be a Summer 2025 game at the earliest, if not Fall.

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607 Pokémon Legends Z-A Announced

607 Pokémon Legends Z-A Announced

Pokémon Legends Z-A got announced and it's the next game by Game Freak coming in 2025. That means no main series game this year for 2024? Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket is the next mobile game and that is coming this year. Pocket is being made by both Creatures Inc. and DeNA. We get updates for Masters EX, UNITE, Sleep, Pokémon GO, and Cafe Remix. Oh yeah, the anime is coming next week.

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560 Typhlosion Coming to 7-Star Raids

560 Typhlosion Coming to 7-Star Raids

Typhlosion is the final starter from Pokémon Legends to be added to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, so does this mean Pokémon HOME is around the corner? Pokémon GO raised and limited Remote Raid passes, we talk about how this might affect the future of the game. Unova Sitting Cuties have arrived on Pokémon Center, we talk about the ones you should buy or avoid. Also, some company news regarding Creatures, Inc.

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502 Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Revealed, Gen 9 this Year

502 Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Revealed, Gen 9 this Year

Pokémon Day shocked everyone with the reveal of Generation 9, Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. Before the big reveal, we talk about the Daybreak update to Pokémon Legends, the 2.5 Year Anniversary event in Pokémon Masters EX. Season of Alola is coming to Pokémon GO and Cafe Remix is getting some updates too. Pokémon Day did not seem to disappoint, although we have no Pokémon games planned in between now and Gen 9.

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500 Milestones

500 Milestones

Legends is the fastest selling Pokémon game on the Nintendo Switch, but will it catch up to Sword/Shield? We talk about if Legends has legs and what this means for games going forward. Florida events gets canceled, but new dates are added to the World Championship circuit. Pokémon UNITE gets a new character and Brilliant Stars is gearing up to release. Happy 500!

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BONUS Third Impressions: Pokémon Legends Arceus

BONUS Third Impressions: Pokémon Legends Arceus

We talk about the story of the game up to the credits! We talk about the ups and downs of the characters and the plot points. We also talk about the pros and cons of the game compared to past games and the battle system of the game.

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499 Minor Gripes with Legends and Poké Ball Talk

499 Minor Gripes with Legends and Poké Ball Talk

The Wand Company and the Pokémon Company are making more metal Poké Balls. Pokémon GO cancels one of their events and also announced a TCG Set coming this summer. Speaking of TCG sets, Brilliant Stars is around the corner. We talk about some minor complaints in Pokémon Legends, specifically how Pokémon evolutions are just not fun anymore.

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498 First Impressions: Pokémon Legends Arceus

498 First Impressions: Pokémon Legends Arceus

We do not talk about any story progression after the Kleavor fight! Will, Greg, and Steve talk about the ups and downs of Pokémon Legends! We talk about graphics, the Noble fights, the "open world" part of the game. From the opening story to the changes to the battle system, we cram a lot in this 2 hour episode about the new direction of the series.

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497 SPOILERS! We Talk Leaks on Legends Arceus

497 SPOILERS! We Talk Leaks on Legends Arceus


We talk about the leaks that happed for Pokémon Legends Arceus. We *do not* talk about any story spoilers or any story beats. We talk about the size of the Poké Dex, the new Pokémon, the new forms, some new mechanics, and our thoughts on if this means Generation 9 is coming this Fall.

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496 The Gameplay Loop of Pokémon Legends Arceus

496 The Gameplay Loop of Pokémon Legends Arceus

13 minutes of gameplay footage was shown of Legends Arceus and we now have somewhat of a better understanding of what to expect when this game arrives at the end of the month. It seems like Sword and Shield is coming to an end with Season 12 competitive rules and 3 new Shiny Legendary Birds as trophies for those who want to compete this Spring. Pokémon UNITE gets a new character and gets added to the World Championship for 2022.

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