Pokémon Bank Users Get Regirock, Regice, and Registeel

Pokémon Bank Users Get Regirock, Regice, and Registeel

The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo have announced thatPokémon Bank users who access their account between now and October 31, 2016 will receive special versions of the Legendary Hoenn Pokémon Regirock, Regice and Registeel.

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Mega Monday: Aggron

Mega Monday: Aggron

Aggron is reacting to the held Aggronite! That must mean it’s Mega Monday (on Wednesday)!

Today’s Pokémon first appeared in Generation III and has been one of my favorites since because of its bulkiness and a familiar look that has led me to consider it as the spiritual successor of the “first” Pokémon Rhydon. Please welcome Aggron and Mega Aggron, the Iron Armor Pokémon.

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