513 Pokémon HOME 2.0

513 Pokémon HOME 2.0

Pokémon HOME gets a planned update in the coming weeks to finally work with Legends: Arceus and Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. We talk about the pros and cons of what was said for this upcoming patch. The Pokémon anime continues to update on Netflix. Pokémon Masters EX, GO, and UNITE get updates this past week. Tickets to the Japanese GO Fest went on sale.

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501 Pokémon Bank Goes Free (3DS eShop Closing)

501 Pokémon Bank Goes Free (3DS eShop Closing)

With the announcement of the 3DS and Wii U eShop closing, we speculate if The Pokémon Company is planning a long term solution after March of 2023 to keep moving Pokémon forward into Pokémon HOME. We talk about getting into and building a competitive team. Pokémon GO Johto Tour is around the corner. A Canadian Beta of Pokémon TCG Live is coming soon.

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463 Release Dates for Legends and Diamond/Pearl Remakes

463 Release Dates for Legends and Diamond/Pearl Remakes

The Pokémon Company randomly dropped release dates for Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Pokémon Shining Pearl out of no where. We now know when those games are coming at the end of this year and early next year. Niantic also gave us the dates, price, and details of Pokémon GO Fest 2021 this week too!

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448 Shiny Mew, Shiny Toxtricity, and McDonald's

448 Shiny Mew, Shiny Toxtricity, and McDonald's

The Pokémon Pass app is going to be used again after a year of nothing, for Shiny Toxtricity. Shiny Mew, in Pokémon GO, got the details revealed in regards to the Masterworks quest you'll have to complete. McDonald's is having scalper issues and TCG woes after the new Pokémon cards arrive and limits have to be set on Happy Meals. Pokémon HOME is now a year old, and it got a fresh update to celebrate.

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435 Pokémon GO to HOME Integration

435 Pokémon GO to HOME Integration

Pokémon GO and Pokémon HOME can now connect. We talk about the ups and downs of this finally arriving to Trainers. Pokémon GO also plans on adding new ways to get Mega candy and testing long distance trading. Pokémon Masters added two new characters from the Unova region. Zarude is finally coming to other countries outside of Japan this Fall, but they're a few hoops to jump through.

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433 New Pokémon!! Glastrier and Spectrier

433 New Pokémon!! Glastrier and Spectrier

Week with the Crown Tundra DLC, we have more thoughts! Niantic forgets to turn back on some Shiny Pokémon, two Community Days for November, and an anime week coming to Pokémon GO. Sword & Shield gets a promoted pumpkin event for the holiday this past weekend. We talk about some more impressions on the Crown Tundra including the two new horses added, the new Galarian Birds, and the new Regis.

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432 Dynamax Adventure, Calyrex, & Exploring the Crown Tundra

432 Dynamax Adventure, Calyrex, & Exploring the Crown Tundra

The Crown Tundra is here! While we don't talk about story spoilers, we talk about the Legendary paths you can explore, our initial impressions, and spend a lot of time talking about Dynamax Adventure, the new co-op feature in this expansion. Some Halloween stuff happening in Pokémon GO, some new Champion's Path TCG sets released, and Pokémon HOME gets updated too.

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429 Crown Tundra Release Date and New Details

429 Crown Tundra Release Date and New Details

The Crown Tundra gets a release date of October 22nd, 2020. We talk about the latest trailer and information dump from this past week. From worries about Co-op Raids, to Galarian Slowking, and seeing Melmetal return, we cover it all. Pokémon GO is giving out free Raid Passes every Monday, they rolled back their stay-at-home changes, and Deerling is finally coming to the game. Pokémon HOME to GO arrives before the end of the year?

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18 Vivillon Region-Based Forms, 2 Event Forms: GTS Helpful Guide

18 Vivillon Region-Based Forms, 2 Event Forms: GTS Helpful Guide

Now with Pokémon HOME being out, you might be able to do trades over the GTS that seems more difficult back during the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y era. Vivillon was introduced in Generation 6 and encouraged GTS and Wonder Trades. Vivillon’s forms were decided through the region originally set on the 3DS, so trading is your best way to collect them all.

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413 Traveling to the Isle of Armor

413 Traveling to the Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor drops in just 72 hours, and we talk about what to expect, Pokémon HOME maintenance, and the upcoming VGC friendly tournament. A new TCG box is coming for new players trying to learn the game. Pokémon GO is going to stop working on any Android phone running 32-bit. The new Pokémon anime is out on Netflix this week! Finally, we chat about the upcoming changes to Pokémon Masters.

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