559 New Events for Scarlet & Violet

559 New Events for Scarlet & Violet

We recap Samurott Raids, talk about the new Pokémon Scarlet and Violet tournament happening, and a Cherish Ball Lechonk is here to grab! Side note, the tournament does give an exclusive in-game bag for your character. Before all of that Scarlet and Violet news, we talk about Niantic's changes to Remote Raid Passes in Pokémon GO.

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524 Recap Seattle Pokémon GO Fest 2022

524 Recap Seattle Pokémon GO Fest 2022

Pokémon UNITE adds a new mechanic. We talk about their Membership pass, some changes to the game, and climbing ladder. Steve is back from Seattle GO Fest. We discuss the meet and greets, the split city and park experience, and how Niantic keeps improving their live events. A new TCG Halloween promotion is coming, Masters EX gets more characters, and another $100+ plush arrives!

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501 Pokémon Bank Goes Free (3DS eShop Closing)

501 Pokémon Bank Goes Free (3DS eShop Closing)

With the announcement of the 3DS and Wii U eShop closing, we speculate if The Pokémon Company is planning a long term solution after March of 2023 to keep moving Pokémon forward into Pokémon HOME. We talk about getting into and building a competitive team. Pokémon GO Johto Tour is around the corner. A Canadian Beta of Pokémon TCG Live is coming soon.

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464 Upcoming Nintendo Direct & Slowpoke Week

464 Upcoming Nintendo Direct & Slowpoke Week

Nintendo officially announced their E3 plans, but will it include Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? A $450 Slowpoke arrives in the Pokémon Center and Niantic is bring Galarian Slowpoke and Mega Slowbro to Pokémon GO this week. Target brought back Pokémon cards and it was very easy to pre-order the newest set off Pokémon Center. Pokémon Masters gets a Hoenn update featuring Team Aqua and Team Magma!

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419 Pokémon Mobile App Updates and Shutdowns

419 Pokémon Mobile App Updates and Shutdowns

Pokémon Masters, Pokémon GO, and Pokémon Cafe Mix all gets updates this week. Pokémon Rumble Rush, on the other hand, gets shutdown. Pokémon GO Fest was this past weekend, but we don't talk about it this episode due to recording early. Two sets of Pokémon TCG items sell for a nice chunk of change. Pokémon lays out all the features for why you should pick up the Isle or Armor DLC.

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413 Traveling to the Isle of Armor

413 Traveling to the Isle of Armor

The Isle of Armor drops in just 72 hours, and we talk about what to expect, Pokémon HOME maintenance, and the upcoming VGC friendly tournament. A new TCG box is coming for new players trying to learn the game. Pokémon GO is going to stop working on any Android phone running 32-bit. The new Pokémon anime is out on Netflix this week! Finally, we chat about the upcoming changes to Pokémon Masters.

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395 Ball Guy's Free T-Shirt, New Tournament Coming

395 Ball Guy's Free T-Shirt, New Tournament Coming

Still no word on Pokémon HOME, but we are getting four new Pokémon Funko Pop figures? Pokémon GO is stacking even more events for February on top of an already busy month. Gigantamax Toxtricity arrives to Max Raid battles (along with Kingler, Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, and Orbeetle) for the next couple weeks. Pokémon Masters is getting a new Sync Pair that involves Professor Oak! Voting for Pokémon Day has opened up this month too!

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265 Pokémon VGCs - Magikarp [Featuring Joe Merrick from Serebii]

265 Pokémon VGCs - Magikarp [Featuring Joe Merrick from Serebii]

Featuring Joe Merrick from Serebii.net! (Interview starts at about 48 mins in!) We talk about the AZUL codes, the Magikarp song, and paying to enter the Pokémon National tournament in Indiana as both a player and a spectator. Joe talks about running Serebii, his coverage of Pokémon Sun and Moon, and his thoughts on Pokémon for Nintendo Switch. Micah gives his thoughts on Pokémon contests. There is also the "dreamsicle" story too.

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172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

SBJ, Travis, and Chris talk some LA news, some Pokémon Shuffle updates, some Japan exclusive stuff, and what Pokémon were used during the past Little Cup tournament that happened. We also cover a soft "Item of the Week" and we do a disaster covering our "Pokémon of the Week"!

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168 The Quick Claw

168 The Quick Claw

SBJ and Travis record a quick episode because we lost the episode from earlier today. We talk about Gengar being added to Pokken Tournament, we talk about new Pokémon Shuffle add-ons, and we talk about Pokémon Lab. Finally we go over our Pokémon of the Week and our new Patreon coming soon.

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