329 Let's Go Merchandise

329 Let's Go Merchandise

New HORI merchandise is coming for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee. A Psychic event is now taking place in Pokémon GO with a new hat Pikachu that visited this past weekend. Zeraora is coming to GameStop, and new Legendary Pokémon will be available at Target this month. With NES and SNES Classics selling off shelves, will we see something regarding a Gameboy Classic?

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Pokémon Origins now in iTunes

Pokémon Origins now in iTunes

Pokémon Origins just happened to appear in iTunes this week. You can download both the HD and SD versions right here. HD version runs $2.99 an episode or about $12 for the whole thing. Pokémon Origins originally debuted on the Pokémon TV app before being pulled after a month of air time with no specific reason.

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