Downgrade Your Pokémon GO App to get Trainer Club Access Again!

Downgrade Your Pokémon GO App to get Trainer Club Access Again!

Did you upgrade to v1.0.1 from the App Store and got locked out of Pokémon GO? Do you use a Pokémon Trainer Club account? I didn't have an older version of Pokémon GO on any of my devices. I did some research and I came across this video that walked me through how to get an older version of an app directly from iTunes. I tested this with my own device, and I can say with confidence that it works!

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216 Rowlet & Litten & Popplio

216 Rowlet & Litten & Popplio

[Live Show] SBJ, Will, and Travis talk about the new Pokémon Sun and Pokemon Moon starter Pokémon. We welcome Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio to the Alola region. We talk about our thoughts on the recent news. This show was recorded live on

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200 Pokémon Vs. Podcasts [Live on Twitch]

200 Pokémon Vs. Podcasts [Live on Twitch]

SBJ, Logan, Will, and Travis come together to celebrate 200 episodes of It's Super Effective. We talk about snowstorms, Her Story, Animal Crossing, and #Pokemon20 of course! We dive in about the Pokémon movies in iTunes and what is missing. We answer your e-mails and questions. Finally, we end the show with a special lover of Pokémon.

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Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages now in iTunes

Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages now in iTunes

Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages is now available as a digital download and iBook! Pokémon fans will learn much more about the mysterious Hoopa by downloading the movie on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon today, as well as following along with the interactive companion iBook on Mac, iPad, and iPod Touch.

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300,000 Downloads in 2015

300,000 Downloads in 2015

You guys have downloaded "It's Super Effective" over 300K times in 2015 alone! I cannot thank you enough for the support! If we do some math, that's about 25K downloads a month OR 6K downloads per week OR 800 downloads a day OR about 1 download every 2 mins. ONE download every 2 mins for an entire year!? Very wow. 

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186 Interview With Jake Paque, Voice Actor of Professor Sycamore

186 Interview With Jake Paque, Voice Actor of Professor Sycamore

In this episode SBJ, Travis, and Will cover news about new items in the Pokémon Center online store, new TCG Mewtwo cards, more tour dates for Pokémon Symphonic Evolutions, and a rerelease of the first Pokémon movie. We also got a chance to sit down with Jake Paque. Jake is the voice actor of Professor Sycamore in the Pokémon XY Animated Series. Enjoy!

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