002 Hello Kanto: Cerulean City, Misty

002 Hello Kanto: Cerulean City, Misty

Episode 002 of our Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee coverage. In this episode, SBJ and Greg run down the balance between catching and battling. After we spent hours in Mt. Moon, we challenged the Nugget Bridge, met Bill, adored the bike store, and battled Misty. There is nothing but charm and delight in these games, but they are not without issues, we discuss the Poké Ball Plus, the pacing, and finding rare Pokémon. 

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001 Hello Kanto: Pewter City, Brock

001 Hello Kanto: Pewter City, Brock

Episode 001 of our Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee coverage. In this episode, SBJ and Greg talk about our intial thoughts and feelings about the game up to the fight Brock, the first Gym Leader. We talk about the motion control using the Joy-cons or the Pokeball Plus. We also talk about the look and feel of the game. A lot has changed since we last visited Kanto, so we have plenty to say! 

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334 Countdown to Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

334 Countdown to Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee are a couple days away! Old hat Pikachu return to Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. The "dead game" that is Pokémon GO brought in 67% more money that this time last year. Shiny Tapu Lele is going to be obtainable for the first time if you sign up for the November Global Link Tournament this month. Tamagotchi is making a come back with rumors of a Pokémon one on the way. Finally, we tackle two questions of the week this week! No spoilers/leaks about Pikavee are talked about this episode.

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333 Masuda's Last Pokémon Game

333 Masuda's Last Pokémon Game

A huge interview off Pokémon.com with GAME FREAK’s Junichi Masuda (Director) and Kensaku Nabana. Masuda talks about how this may be the last Pokémon game that he directs. We also hear about the inspiration of why Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee is being made. On top of that, some Pokémon GO news, and the new TCG set, Lost Thunder, is out now! GameStop also has Ho-Oh and Lugia download codes now!

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332 Meltan Evolves Into Melmetal

332 Meltan Evolves Into Melmetal

The spooky Pokémon GO Event is here! Catch yourself a Shiny Drifloon or just try to get yourself a haunted Spiritomb before November! We get more information about Meltan, including that it's the first known Mythical Pokémon to evolve! Our question of the week let's us think about our favorite episodes of the anime, and our Pokemon of the week will for sure fit in your nightmares.

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303 Field Research & Detective Work

303 Field Research & Detective Work

Mew is added to Pokémon GO! We talk in-depth about the first three chapters of Detective Pikachu! Pokémon Shuffle is ending and research missions have been added to GO. Hear our thoughts about Detective Pikachu as we talk about the pros and cons of the latest Pokémon game.

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