334 Countdown to Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

334 Countdown to Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee

Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee are a couple days away! Old hat Pikachu return to Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. The "dead game" that is Pokémon GO brought in 67% more money that this time last year. Shiny Tapu Lele is going to be obtainable for the first time if you sign up for the November Global Link Tournament this month. Tamagotchi is making a come back with rumors of a Pokémon one on the way. Finally, we tackle two questions of the week this week! No spoilers/leaks about Pikavee are talked about this episode.

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323 Popplio Shirts [Featuring Jeff Gerstmann from Giant Bomb]

323 Popplio Shirts [Featuring Jeff Gerstmann from Giant Bomb]

Featuring Jeff Gerstmann from Giant Bomb (interview starts at 24 mins into the episode). Jeff talks about the time that Pokémon arrived in the United States. Jeff also gives thoughts on how Pokémon spin-off games appeal to non-hardcore fans, his favorite Pokémon, and how sometimes games don't change. We also spend time talking about the machine that is Giant Bomb and creating and dealing with content.

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292 Pokémon Baby Names & TCG/VGC Updates (No USUM Spoilers)

292 Pokémon Baby Names & TCG/VGC Updates (No USUM Spoilers)

USUM Spoiler Free! A full episode of ISE bringing you news about the DVD version of "I Choose You," Pokémon baby names, Groudon in Pokémon GO, VGC rule changes, a new expansion coming to the TCG and more. We tackle your e-mails and the "naked" Pokémon of the Week!

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291 Pokémon GO Update & Detective Pikachu Movie (No USUM Spoilers)

291 Pokémon GO Update & Detective Pikachu Movie (No USUM Spoilers)

USUM Spoiler Free! Quick episode since everyone is still recovering from 19 episodes of USUM. SBJ and Will get together to talk about some news over the past couple of weeks. This includes Pokémon GO and talking about who was cast for the movies, as well as some other little Pokémon-related things.

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290 Mimikium Z! (NO USUM SPOILERS)

290 Mimikium Z! (NO USUM SPOILERS)

SPOILER FREE! SBJ, Will, and Al talk about Niantic making their next game and how it may affect Pokémon GO. Bulbasaur is coming to Build-a-Bear, and Mimikyu gets it's own Z-Crystal. This is the last normal episode before Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!! We will return to regular schedule after our playthroughs of USUM!

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Let’s Snuggle Forever, Mimikyu's New Z-Move

Let’s Snuggle Forever, Mimikyu's New Z-Move

The Ghost- and Fairy-type Pokémon Mimikyu was first discovered in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon. There are many mysteries surrounding this Pokémon, which lives its entire life hidden beneath a rag. Because of its desire to get closer to people, Mimikyu began to disguise itself as a popular Pokémon—Pikachu. Mimikyu can manipulate its rag so the cloth takes on the shape or design Mimikyu imagines, and it will protect Mimikyu from an enemy attack—but only once.

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289 Rainbow Team Rocket, I Choose You: Movie Recap!

289 Rainbow Team Rocket, I Choose You: Movie Recap!

Full 'I Choose You' movie recap starting at 01:05:00 in the podcast! Micah, Irene, and SBJ talk about the new Pokémon GO news regarding Raids and we also go over the Rainbow Rocket news, as well as, the news about Legendary Pokémon hitting Alola! We do a quick history of Pokémon movies and then talk about our thoughts on the 20th Pokémon film.

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288 No Entei Club!

288 No Entei Club!

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is just 18 days away. SBJ, Will, and Al talk about Pokémon GO EX Raids and how Pokémon GO has or will effect the main series games. Magikarp Jump is still a thing, as well as, e-mails about the GameBoy Advance, and our Pokémon of the Week!

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287 This Isn't The Alola You Thought You Knew!

287 This Isn't The Alola You Thought You Knew!

New trailer for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon debuted. Game Freak interviews about USUM being the last games on 3DS and how USUM will be twice as big as Sun & Moon. SBJ, Will, and Al go over Pokémon GO news and a White House event involving Pikachu. We answer e-mails in regards to Mythical and pizza.

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