464 Upcoming Nintendo Direct & Slowpoke Week

464 Upcoming Nintendo Direct & Slowpoke Week

Nintendo officially announced their E3 plans, but will it include Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? A $450 Slowpoke arrives in the Pokémon Center and Niantic is bring Galarian Slowpoke and Mega Slowbro to Pokémon GO this week. Target brought back Pokémon cards and it was very easy to pre-order the newest set off Pokémon Center. Pokémon Masters gets a Hoenn update featuring Team Aqua and Team Magma!

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270 E3 Recap - Pokémon Switch - Marshadow

270 E3 Recap - Pokémon Switch - Marshadow

Nintendo E3 Recap. SBJ, Travis, and Will give their impressions on the Pokémon announcement for the Nintendo Switch. We touch on a few other E3 things before talking about Pokémon GO and Marshadow. We tackle your e-mails regarding an open world Pokémon game and give you a moveset for Pokémon of the week!

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221 Pikipek + Yungoos + Grubbin

221 Pikipek + Yungoos + Grubbin

E3 week is finally over. We saw another three new Pokémon (Pikipek, Yungoos, Grubbin) in Sun and Moon, on top of, getting a rough date for when Pokémon GO will be available. Is Pokémon GO Plus to expensive? How do we feel about Battle Royal? Who is the Pokémon of the Week!?

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Mega Sableye Announced

Mega Sableye Announced

Today The Pokémon Company International announced the Mega-Evolved form of Sableye in an all-new trailer, first revealed at the Nintendo Kids Conference at E3 by Mr. Tsunekazu Ishihara, President of The Pokémon Company. The brand new gameplay trailer featuring Mega Sableye, which can be shared with your readers by using the YouTube embed code found below. 

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