618 New Pokémon Center Announced

618 New Pokémon Center Announced

Pokémon Sleep's Entei event is right around the corner. Australia and New Zealand get their own Online Pokémon Center. Pokémon GO wins the most buggiest game in the App Store? The next TCG, Shrouded Fable, gets announced.

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616 Cheating in Pokémon

616 Cheating in Pokémon

The Entei event has been details and explained to us! We breakdown how you should prepare. Pokémon Pocket gets a small update, which hopefully means good things coming. A brand new merch set with James Turner art dropped on Pokémon Center. Rika comes to Pokémon Masters EX. Pokémon players cheat to find Wiglett.

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615 Golden Shinies & Diancie Returns

615 Golden Shinies & Diancie Returns

Pokémon GO gets a background refresh as part of the Rediscover campaign they have been running and it's actually very cool! Diancie returns to Pokémon GO for FREE for anyone who did not get one at GO Fest. This has been the only way to get a Diancie in a couple years. A new Mass Outbreak event with boosted Shiny chance has come to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, along with the return of Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Raids. Pokémon Sleep announced that Entei is coming and a Fire-type week will happen to prepare for the next Legendary Pokémon in Sleep.

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427 Entei Gets Trademarked

427 Entei Gets Trademarked

New merch featuring Gym Leaders are hitting shelves in Japan. New Pokémon skateboards are arriving soon (again) for your collection? Champion's Path, the newest TCG set, drops this Friday. The Players Cup II is still Series 5, you can sign up now. Shiny Clefable arrives in a Max Raid event in Pokémon Sword and Shield over the weekend. Entei gets trademarked for probably NOT game purposes.

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288 No Entei Club!

288 No Entei Club!

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is just 18 days away. SBJ, Will, and Al talk about Pokémon GO EX Raids and how Pokémon GO has or will effect the main series games. Magikarp Jump is still a thing, as well as, e-mails about the GameBoy Advance, and our Pokémon of the Week!

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284 Trainer Hamburger Hats!

284 Trainer Hamburger Hats!

Entei is here in the Americas for Pokémon GO! Pokken DX gets hamburger hats. Trainer issues with Pokemon GO added an extra day to the Equinox event. SBJ, Will, and Al talk about closing of the Wii eShop and the state of the SNES classic. We tackle e-mails regarding wrestling, and worshiping Pokémon.

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