606 Sinnoh Tour and Niantic's Vision for Exploring

606 Sinnoh Tour and Niantic's Vision for Exploring

Was the flight and hotel worth the cost to travel to LA to play Pokémon GO and experience the Sinnoh Tour? We bring on Chris from the GOCast podcast to talk about this event and to compare it to recent GO Fests and event in Vegas last year. We talk about the park, shiny rates, the new adventure effects, and the Spiritomb stops!

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172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

SBJ, Travis, and Chris talk some LA news, some Pokémon Shuffle updates, some Japan exclusive stuff, and what Pokémon were used during the past Little Cup tournament that happened. We also cover a soft "Item of the Week" and we do a disaster covering our "Pokémon of the Week"!

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