172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

SBJ, Travis, and Chris talk some LA news, some Pokémon Shuffle updates, some Japan exclusive stuff, and what Pokémon were used during the past Little Cup tournament that happened. We also cover a soft "Item of the Week" and we do a disaster covering our "Pokémon of the Week"!

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Little Cup Online Competition

Little Cup Online Competition

The big Pokémon have had their fun—now it’s time for the rest of the Pokémon to play! In the Little Cup Online Competition, the rules have been designed for quick, exciting battles that are easy for anyone to play. You can’t use any Pokémon that have evolved or that are incapable of evolving. For example, you can use Charmander, but not Charmeleon or Charizard. And you can’t use Kangaskhan because it doesn’t evolve into any other Pokémon. What’s more, all Pokémon will be set to Level 5 for the duration of the battle!

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