282 UB Assembly & UB Burst! [Featuring Ray Rizzo]

282 UB Assembly & UB Burst! [Featuring Ray Rizzo]

Featuring Pokémon Video Game World Champion (x3), Ray Rizzo! Will and SBJ talk about the new UBs shown in the latest Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon trailer. We go in-depth about possible new Pokémon and our thoughts on Ultra Beasts. SBJ caught a Mewtwo from getting an EX Raid pass. Also, Meowth is coming to Build-a-bear. Ray talks about getting into VGC, commentating, competing, and cheating.

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265 Pokémon VGCs - Magikarp [Featuring Joe Merrick from Serebii]

265 Pokémon VGCs - Magikarp [Featuring Joe Merrick from Serebii]

Featuring Joe Merrick from Serebii.net! (Interview starts at about 48 mins in!) We talk about the AZUL codes, the Magikarp song, and paying to enter the Pokémon National tournament in Indiana as both a player and a spectator. Joe talks about running Serebii, his coverage of Pokémon Sun and Moon, and his thoughts on Pokémon for Nintendo Switch. Micah gives his thoughts on Pokémon contests. There is also the "dreamsicle" story too.

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172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

172 Absol, Xerneas, Victini

SBJ, Travis, and Chris talk some LA news, some Pokémon Shuffle updates, some Japan exclusive stuff, and what Pokémon were used during the past Little Cup tournament that happened. We also cover a soft "Item of the Week" and we do a disaster covering our "Pokémon of the Week"!

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